๐Ÿฒintro to ghidra

Intro To Ghidra

Installation and QuickStart

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk

Download Ghidra

unzip <ghidra.zip> -d ~

cd ~/ghidra


Create a Project

  • Click on File | New or Ctrl+N

  • Click File | Import to import the executables

  • Click on Ok

  • Double Click the Target file to launch the code browser and start the analysis


  • Function Analyzer Assigns addresses and names to functions based on their symbol reference or by detecting function prologues and epilogues in the code disassembly.

  • Stack Analyzer Infers stack variable sizes and references based on stack base and pointer operations at the beginning of the function.

  • Operand Analyzer Assigns and resolves address and symbol references based on scalar operands.

  • Data Reference Analyzer Resolves addresses and references to data values and obvious data types based on their memory section location and operands in the code.

Code Browser

  • Main menu: All the main options are available from this menu.

  • Toolbar: Here you will ๏ฌnd a group of icon buttons you can use as shortcuts for common functionality.

  • Program Trees: This provides tree lists of all the memory segments de๏ฌned by the binary and will vary depending on the binary format and loader.

  • Symbol Tree: Here you can quickly navigate through all the symbols de๏ฌned by the debugging information or resolved by the initial analysis. These symbols are separated by type: imports, exports, functions, labels, classes, and namespaces.

  • Data Type: Manager Built-in, generic, binary- provided, and user-de๏ฌned data types will be available here. You can easily navigate to operations on values and references by their data type.

  • Listing: The programโ€™s code disassembly and data references are listed here. You can easily explore program logic, references, and address o๏ฌ€sets. Special comments and named values generated by the Ghidra loader and analyzer are displayed here as well. -Decompile: This window displays a C language representation of the function selected on the Listing window. This decompilation eases the process of analyzing large and complex assembly code blocks.

  • Console โ€“ Scripting: Results and outputs from scripts and plug-ins are shown here.

Lab 4-2: Binary Di๏ฌƒng and Patch Analysis

Install BinDiffHelper Extension

Install Gradle build automation tool

wget https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-6.5-milestone-2-bin.zip && sudo unzip gradle-6.5-milestone-2-bin.zip -d /opt

Clone and compile the BinExport2 plug-in

git clone --single --depth=1 --branch=master  https://github.com/google/binexport ~/binexport && cd ~/binexport/java/BinExport && /opt/gradle-6.5-milestone-2/bin/gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=~/ghidra_9.3.2_PUBLIC

Download and Install BinDiff

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/bindiff-releases/bindiff_6_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i bindiff_6_amd64.deb || sudo apt-get install -f

Clone and Compile BinDiffHelper plug-in

cd ~/ && git clone --single --depth=1 --branch=master https://github.com/ubfx/BinDiffHelper && cd ~/BinDiffHelper && /opt/gradle-6.5-milestone-2/bin/gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=~/ghidra_9.3.2_PUBLIC


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