โ›ŽSliver C2


Sliver is a powerful command and control (C2) framework designed to provide advanced capabilities for covertly managing and controlling remote systems. With Sliver, security professionals, red teams, and penetration testers can easily establish a secure and reliable communication channel over Mutual TLS, HTTP(S), DNS, or Wireguard with target machines. Enabling them to execute commands, gather information, and perform various post-exploitation activities. The framework offers a user-friendly console interface, extensive functionality, and support for multiple operating systems as well as multiple CPU architectures, making it an indispensable tool for conducting comprehensive offensive security operations.


  • Dynamic code generation

  • Compile-time obfuscation

  • Multiplayer-mode

  • Staged and Stageless payloads

  • DNS canary blue team detection

  • Secure C2 over mTLS, WireGuard, HTTP(S), and DNS

  • Fully scriptable using JavaScript/TypeScript or Python

  • Windows process migration, process injection, user token manipulation, etc.

  • Let's Encrypt integration

  • In-memory .NET assembly execution

  • COFF/BOF in-memory loader

  • TCP and named pipe pivots

  • Much more!


curl https://sliver.sh/install|sudo bash

# Run sliver


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